DG Dave Underhill and his wife Linda and ADG Larry Marsolais paid a visit on Friday, July 28.
Dave first described the Pyramid of Peace, a visual that ties together Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus: disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, and peace and conflict prevention/resolution. Dave sees Rotary as a peace organization built upon a values system. He is enthusiastic about a new district program, the Rotary Recovery Initiative, chaired by Bob MacKenzie, past-president of the Kennebunk club. Dave also talked about member engagement. He advises us to invite a prospective member to a project event or activity so they get a real sense of what we actually do. Dave thanked us for our support of the Rotary Foundation as he emphasized that only 8 live cases of Polio have been reported so far this year world-wide.
Also during this meeting, President Bob Cruickshank presented co-president Kerry Ellen Enright with a Paul Harris award. Dave, Larry, Kerry Ellen and Bob are pictured below with her award. Congratulations Kerry!